2009 Pittsfield CityJazz Festival schedule-at-a-glance
The Pittsfield CityJazz Festival comprises a wide range of events and genres, from jam sessions to jazz legends…something for everybody's taste. Many performances are free. The following timeline illustrates the rich variety of jazz available to attendees of this, our fifth annual festival.Kickoff concert:Wednesday, Oct. 7, 7pmROYAL HARTIGAN AND BLOOD DRUM SPIRITBerkshire Athenaeum, 1 Wendell Ave.JAZZ ABOUT TOWNFRIDAY, OCT. 9EAGLES STAGE BANDNoon, Pittsfield City Hall Steps.Rain location: City Council ChambersDAVE WINCHESTER-piano11:30am-1:00pm Joe's Lunchbox137 North St., 413-997-4500WE B 3 Organ Trio9pm-Midnight The Lantern Restaurant445 North St., 413-448-2717DAVE BROWN TRIO8-11:00pm, Mission Bar & Tapas438 North St.www.missionbarandtapas.comTED MURRAY QUARTET6-9pm Patrick's PubPark Square, 413-499-1994www.patricksinpittsfield.comALLEN LIVERMORE TRIO8-11pm, Pittsfield Brew Works34 Depot St., 413-997-3506,www.pittsfieldbrewworks.comSATURDAY, OCTOBER 10TED MURRAY QUARTET6-9pm Patrick's PubPark Square, 413-499-1994www.patricksinpittsfield.comFRAN CURLEY TRIO8pm-11:00pm Pittsfield Brew Works34 Depot St., 413-997-3506www.pittsfieldbrewworks.comWE B 3 ORGAN TRIO9pm-Midnight The Lantern Restaurant445 North St., 413-448-2717WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2009BEN KOHN & FRIENDS JAM SESSION8pm Dottie's Coffee Lounge444 North St., 413-443-1793www.dottiescoffeelounge.comTHIRD THURSDAY JAZZ CRAWLOCTOBER 15DAN BROAD WITH ALLEN LIVERMORE& STUDENTS FROM BCC5:30-7;30pm, Intermodal Transportation CenterColumbus Avenue @ North St.ANDY KELLY'S DIXIELAND AMBASSADORS5-8pm, Crowne PlazaPark Square, 413-499-2000www.crowneplaza.comTHE INBETWEENS5-8pm Dottie's Coffee Lounge444 North St., 413-443-1793www.dottiescoffeelounge.comINDUSTRIAL JAZZ GROUP5–8pmDowntown, outdoors location TBAFRANK VIGNOLA MASTER CLASS7:15pm, Berkshire Music School30 Wendell Ave., 413-442-1411http://berkshiremusicschool.orgOct. 16, 7:30pmFRANK VIGNOLA TRIO"Top of the Crowne Plaza"1 West Street, 413-499-2000www.crowneplaza.comOct. 17, 8pmDAVE BRUBECK QUARTET with theBERKSHIRES JAZZ YOUTH ENSEMBLEColonial Theatre111 South Street, 413-997-4444www.TheColonialTheatre.orgSunday, Oct. 18, 3pmJAZZ JAM(bring your instrument, or come to listen)Lichtenstein Center for the Arts28 Renne Ave., 413-499-9348www.CulturalPIttsfield.com