2010 Pittsfield CityJazz Festival videos

Clem DeRosa with American Jazz Repertory Orchestra and Berkshires Jazz Youth OrchestraThe American Jazz Repertory Orchestra shares the stage with the Berkshires Jazz Youth Orchestra, in the grand finale to the 2010 Pittsfield CityJAZZ Festival. Events took place at Pittsfield's (Mass.) historic Colonial Theatre on Oct. 16, 2010. Maestro Clem DeRosa at the helm. Meghan Kelly photo.These performances were part the 2010 Pittsfield CityJazz Festival, including the Jazz About Town and Jazz in the Schools programs.

Joe Baione Quintet performs at the 6th annual Pittsfield CityJAZZ Fstival.

Pittsfield Sister City Jazz Ambassadors - Kittredge Elementary School in Dalton, Mass.

The Pittsfield Sister City Jazz Ambassadors introduce music to students of all ages, as an ancillary event to the Pittsfield CityJazz Festival. In this case, they visit Kittredge Elementary School in Dalton, Massachusetts.Bringing professional jazz musicians into the schools helps introduce youngsters to wholesome entertainment while they are still impressionable enough to internalize it. Not only do they hear the music, they learn about its history, and about the evolution of jazz.

Brazilian Jazz Trio at the Berkshire Athenaeum - Pittsfield, Mass.

Buster Rides Again, with the Brazilian Jazz Trio, featuring Warren Byrd (piano), Jay Schwartz (bass), and Tom Parker, leader (drums). Ushering-in the headline weekend of the 6th annual Pittsfield CityJazz Festival

We B 3 organ trio at The Lantern - downtown Pittsfield

Barbershop Jazz Quartet at Shawn's Barber Shop - downtown Pittsfield

Actually a quintet, the Barbershop Jazz Quartet includes Rob Fisch (brass), Ben Kohn (keyboard), Andy Kelly (guitar), Dan Broad (bass), John Haddad (drums).

Rob Fisch trio at Brulees - downtown Pittsfield

jazz accordionist John Culpo outside Ahava Amore - downtown Pittsfield


Kent CT holiday concert with Matt Wilson


Jazz Tuber Trio schedules free concert in Lenox